All authors interested in publishing their research work in Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IJPMR) will need to submit their manuscripts for publication through a web-based manuscript tracking system. The authors can submit new manuscript; revise their existing manuscripts, upload other required documents. They can as well track the status of their manuscripts, which are already submitted. This system helps the editorial office to communicate with the associate editors, reviewers and thus manage the peer review process. The same system is used for communication with authors. Please go to and register yourself (if first time user) to submit the manuscripts.
Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they contain original data that are not previously published or are being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors are required to submit the manuscript along with all concerned certificates and documents commercial rights transfer form, submission form, corresponding author form, contribution form available on the web site of the journal. In case of any queries or additional information, you can write an e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal at
Authors should note that there are no processing charges for publication of an article in the journal.
Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person. The authors are strictly advised not to indulge in any form of plagiarism. If the content is found to be plagiarised, the Editor and the journal committee will take a serious action in the regard and the author will be responsible for the entire manuscript.
The authors hold the copyright of all the editorial content published in this journal from now. All material can be used in part and full for non-commercial output after providing appropriate attribution to the original content of the journal and a link to the licence (CC-BY-NC 4.0). It is mandatory for authors to submit the manuscript along with Commercial Rights Transfer Form.
All open access articles published in IJPMR are distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license (Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, for non-commercial purposes, provided the original work is properly cited. Under Creative Commons, authors retain copyright in their articles.
All types of submissions / papers should follow a standard format as described in the below “Manuscript component” section.
Usually provide commentary and analysis concerning an article in the issue of the Journal in which they appear. They may include figures and tables. They are always solicited. The editorials would be limited to 1000 words with up to 10 references.
Original Articles:
Reports of original clinical and basic research of interest to the dental community are the primary material to be published as original articles. Randomly controlled trials intervention studies, studies of screening and diagnostic tests, outcome studies, cost-effectiveness analysis, case-control series, and surveys with a reasonably high response rate. The text would be limited to 3000-5000 words, with an abstract of 250 words, maximum of 5 tables and figures (total) and up to 40 references.
Reviews and Clinical Debates:
An article review is both a summary and an evaluation of another writer's article. They would cover a contemporary topic and would generally be wide-ranging overviews of a field of research. The reviews and clinical debates will be subject to the standard review process. The minimum word length would be 3000 and maximum would be 5000 words with 6 tables and figures (total) and 50 references.
Case Reports/Study:
The Journal encourages the submission of case reports that highlight practical diagnostic and/or management considerations. The format of these papers should follow that described in the “Manuscript Components” section below. Identifying information within written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees should not be given.
Case Series:
Case-series is a descriptive study design and as the name suggests, it is just a series of cases of any particular disease or disease discrepancy that one might observe in one's clinical practice etc.
Letters to the Editor:
The Journal accepts Letters to the Editor that raises some issues related to recently published articles (last 6 months) in the Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IJPMR). The letters should not exceed (1000 words) of text and 4 references. While not all “Letters to the Editor” will be published, those that are judged worthwhile will be forwarded to the authors of the articles in question or to selected experts in order to provide the opportunity for a response. Whenever possible, they will be published with the reply of the author of the published article.
Book Reviews:
Books for review shall be posted on the journal, and received reviews shall be published, at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Every book up for review shall also be reviewed by certain reviewers on invitation by the Editorial Board, usually a stalwart/pioneer in the subject in question.
Announcement of conferences, meetings, courses, awards, and other events of interest to the readers should be submitted with the name and address of the person from whom additional information can be sought. These can contain up to 200-300 words.
Type format: Please DO NOT TYPE ANYTHING (including Titles, Names etc) IN ALL CAPITALS (UPPER CASE). Use the regular upper and lower case for typing. Exceptions only for acronyms or initials of names accepted.
Hard Copy: Please DO NOT send any hard copies in the beginning. It shall be asked for only in case needed by the editor. Send only electronic copy by email initially. We would like to save paper and save trees besides saving on postage and the space needed to store all these.
Soft Copy: Please send the articles attached with an email (preferably) in Microsoft word document (doc) or Open Office document (odt) or Page Maker Document (pmd) format. The article can also be sent on a CD/DVD. The document should be editable. Please do not use scanned pages in place of text. Manuscripts to be only submitted online only in the website.
Photographs and Illustrations should be separate from the text (not inserted in the text even if digitized version is used). Only digital photographs should be submitted. The names of the photographs attached should be numbered along with the name of the first author. Legends to these should be written in the text manuscript where the photograph is to be inserted with a mark in the manuscript [Please insert Figure x here]. The photographs should be taken with a good quality digital camera and not with the low resolution cameras attached with most mobile phones. The resolution should not be less than 3 mega pixels. Magnification data should invariably accompany the photomicrographs. The digital photographs should preferably be in TIFF format or JPEG format. The photograph file should be uncompressed. If printed photos are used, please scan them in not less than 300 dpi resolution and send the uncompressed JPEG or TIFF format file of the scanned image. The photographs should not be embedded or pasted in the text or document file.
Contents’ Format: The article manuscript submitted should be in the following format:
Title of the article
Full Names of the Authors, including Qualifications, Designations, Institutional Affiliation, Complete address of the Institution of each author. Email address of each author should also be given.
Account of contributions done by each author should be mentioned after the above. In general total number of authors should not be more than 6 (six). If the number of contributors is more than 6, reasons should be given invariably about the number of authors. Care should be taken to include only those authors who have actually contributed significantly to the study and preparation of the manuscript. Those who have provided some help should be included in the list of acknowledgements. ’Guest’ or ’gift’ authorship should be avoided.
Name of Institution where study was done. Complete details of the department, institution, postal address and website address (if any) of the institute should be mentioned.
Name and Address for Correspondence. Full Name, address, email address of the author for correspondence is a must. Phone number or FAX (if any) are optional. Abstract should be not more than 200 words.
Key Words should preferably be those used in Index Medicus as Medical Subject Headings.
Manuscript should normally have Introduction, Material and Methods, Observations, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if any), What we already knew and what we learn from this article and References.
What we already knew and what we learn from this article should be summarized in two-three lines after the conclusions. In other words, the carry home message/ learning from this article.
References should be quoted in the text by way of a number in superscript. The sequence should be in the order as they are quoted in the text. Only those references quoted in the text should be included. These should be referred to in superscripted Arabic numerals in the sequence of their appearance in the text in Vancouver Style, e.g., reference one and four is to be quoted in the text of the manuscript as superscript1, 4 Responsibility of accuracy of information given in references/bibliography rests with the contributors. Any errors on this account may render the article liable for rejection. References should be from authentic sources, e.g., journals, books, monographs etc. Online references should be restricted to web-sites of reputed scientific/medical institutions, associations, journals, libraries or universities. Thesis or dissertation should not be quoted unless published.
Examples of correct form of References:
Journal Articles: Author(s) of article (surname initials). Title of article. Journal title abbreviated Year of publication; volume number(issue number):page numbers (first-last). [e.g. Barry MA, Purser J, Hazleman R, et al. Effect of energy conservation and joint protection education in rheumatoid arthritis. Br J Rheumatol 1994 Dec; 33(12): 1171-4.]
Chapter or article in a Books: Author(s) of chapter (surname initials). Title of chapter. In: Editor(s) name, editors. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication: page numbers (first-last). [e.g. Gascon-Barré M. Antiepileptic drugs and bone health. In : Dawson-Hughes B, Holick MF, eds. Nutrition and bone health. Totowa-New Jersey-USA : Humana Press; 2004 : 647-66.]
World Wide Web: Author/editor (surname initials). Title [online]. Year [cited year month day]. Available from: URL: [Full address of the URL] [e.g. McCook A. Pre-diabetic Condition Linked to Memory Loss [online]. 2003 [cited 2003 Feb 7]. Available from: URL:]
Tables should be sent in original spreadsheet/table format in the document. Please do not scan tables after printing. These should be in editable mode. These should be appended at the end of the manuscript or in a separate file attached with the email. Tables should not contain more than 6 columns. Metric system should be used throughout. These should be numbered and referred to (where they should be placed, in the text. These should be suitably captioned. Any table that is not found to be enhancing the understanding of the article, in the opinion of the editorial board, is liable to be omitted.
Charts should be patterned and not colored (since these are printed in black and white). These should be sent in the editable mode. These should be appended after the tables or should be attached as a separate file.
Any deviation from this sequence must be explained in the covering letter.
Legends to figures, illustrations and photographs etc. should be neatly given in a separate sheet.
Copyrighted Material: Responsibility of obtaining due permission for any copyright material included in the article rests with the authors. In the case of any lapse, the entire legal responsibility would be borne by the contributors themselves.
Right of alterations in the article: The editorial board reserves the right to make any number of alterations and corrections, if required.
Undertaking: All authors should sign the following undertaking (in the same order as their names appear in the list of authors): If undertaking is sent by email, each author should send a separate email to the editor. I/We certify that the article titled [Title of the article], authored by [Names of all authors] is my/our original work and I/We have not sent it for publication elsewhere nor it has been accepted for publication anywhere else. I/We agree with the order of the authors as given in the paper and also mentioned below. I/We hereby transfer the copyright of the article to the Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. I also certify that I have read the latest guidelines for submission of the articles in the IJPMR and the manuscript has been prepared accordingly.
S. No. Name of author Signatures
(If sending this by email, the author can just write his name, digital signatures are not needed)
The undertaking must accompany the manuscript, otherwise the manuscript will not be processed further. The signed undertaking may also be sent after scanning as an attachment with the email.
Reprints: The authors shall not be provided with the hard copies of the reprints. Since at present the journal has free access on the net, the authors are advised to make use of this facility. They can download, save and print their articles once published on the net as desired by the authors. If the authors wish to have hard copies of the reprints, the reprints can be ordered on payment at the time of submitting the articles, in advance. A demand draft for an amount of Rs 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) may be made in favor "Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation" payable in "New Delhi" against advance payment for 10 reprints. If more reprints are needed, these can be ordered @ Rs 500/- per set of 10 reprints. For addresses outside India, in order to cover the postal charges, the rates for reprints shall be double, i.e. Rs 1000/- for 10 reprints. The rate may vary depending on the size of the article. The decision of the editor would be final in fixing the rate of reprints. If the payment for reprints has been made and the articles is subsequently rejected for publication, the amount shall be refunded. Request for reprints made after submission of the articles may not be entertained.
Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in any material published in the Journal are those of authors, contributors and advertisers. The Editor, the Editorial Board, the office bearers of the Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the printer and the publisher of the Journal are in no way responsible for any liability arising out of the same.
In case of Rejection: The Editor or any member of the Editorial Board will not entertain any inquiry or correspondence about a paper that has been found unsuitable for publication. The editor reserves the right not to disclose the reason why a paper has been rejected for publication. In this regard the decision of the Editor will be final and binding to all concerned.
Checklist: Please go through the instructions once again on the website of the journal: before submission of your article.
Thank you for your time and attention to read the above. Your reading this would help us a great deal in making the journal better.
Manuscript should be addressed to:-
Dr Rajesh Pramanik
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research & SSKM Hospital
244, AJC Bose Road,
Kolkata 700020
Tel: +91 9432594882