How Much Does Paediatric Femoral Lengthening Cost? A Cost Comparison between Magnetic Lengthening Nails and External Fixators
Sanjeev Madan
Nicolas Nicolaou
Amaka Offiah
Phillips Obasohan
Simon Dixon
Stephen Giles
James Alfred Fernandes
Mohamed Hafez
,Department of Paediatric Trauma and Orthopaedic, Sheffield Children\'s Hospital, Sheffield, England, United Kingdom, Mohamed Hafez, Department of Paediatric Trauma and Orthopaedic, Sheffield Children\'s Hospital, Sheffield, England, United Kingdom, Phone: +44 07577476186, e-mail:,
Correlation between Femoral Neck Version, Sagittal Femoral Bowing Angle and Sagittal Offset of the Femoral Head from the Distal Femur Axis in an Osteological Collection