An in vitro comparative Evaluation of Fracture Strength of Roots Instrumentated with Self-adjusting File and Reciproc Reciprocating File, with and without Obturation
Pooja Kabra
Citation Information :
Kabra P. An in vitro comparative Evaluation of Fracture Strength of Roots Instrumentated with Self-adjusting File and Reciproc Reciprocating File, with and without Obturation. Int J Clin Dent Res 2017; 1 (1):20-25.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fracture strength of roots instrumented with the self-adjusting file (SAF; ReDent-Nova, Ra'anana, Israel) and the Reciproc reciprocating file and that were and were not obturated using the warm vertical lateral compaction technique.
Materials and methods
In total, 75 mandibular premolar teeth were sectioned at or below the cementoenamel junction to obtain roots 13 mm in length. The roots were balanced with respect to buccolingual and mesiodistal diameters and weight. They were distributed into four experimental groups and one control group (n = 15): No instrumentation (group I), instrumentation with SAF files but no obturation (group II), instrumentation with SAF files and obturated with warm vertical lateral compaction (group III), instrumentation with Reciproc File but no obturation (group IV), and instrumentation with Reciproc File and obturated with warm vertical lateral compaction (group V). AH Plus sealer (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany) was used along with gutta-percha points. One week later, a vertical load was applied to the specimen's canal until fracture occurred. Data were statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (p = 0.05).
The mean fracture load was 312.83 N for group I, 297.35 N for group II, 359.15 N for group III, 231.51 N for group IV, and 275.81 N for group V.
The fracture resistances exhibited a statistically significant difference between all the groups. Teeth instrumented by SAF exhibited a better fracture resistance.
How to cite this article
Tyagi S, Choudhary E, Kabra P, Chauhan R. An in vitro comparative Evaluation of Fracture Strength of Roots Instrumentated with Self-adjusting File and Reciproc Reciprocating File, with and without Obturation. Int J Clin Dent Res 2017;1(1):20-25.
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