Citation Information :
Maziad AM. Can Delayed Surgical Decompression and Stabilization of Neglected Subaxial Cervical Trauma Provide Satisfactory Functional Outcomes? A Case Study. J Spinal Surg 2019; 6 (2):60-64.
Aim: This article aims to describe the case of a 22-year-old male with neglected subaxial cervical trauma involving C6 and C7 vertebrae, associated with spinal cord injury/transection, who received delayed surgical treatment, however, achieved a relatively satisfactory functional outcome.
Background: The patient sustained motor vehicle accident (MVA) at a rural area in a developing country with limited access to advanced diagnostic facilities or trained medical providers. Thus, leading to delayed diagnosis and conservative treatment of subaxial cervical dislocation with associated spinal cord injury and quadriplegia.
Procedure: Two months after injury, following transfer to a tertiary center, a single-stage anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion was performed. The surgery was uneventful.
Outcomes: Complete anterior spinal cord decompression was achieved with good fixation. The patient was discharged 2 days after surgery. At 1 year follow-up, upper extremity function of both upper limbs was restored; however, limited nonfunctional improvement of the lower extremity was noted.
Scientific message: Spinal decompression and stabilization can lead to better functional outcomes in traumatic spinal cord injuries even if delayed due to lack of facilities. Anterior-only decompression and fixation with a proper technique are sufficient in single-level corpectomy.
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