Case Report of a Patient with Cervical Radiculopathy and a Deceptive Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MV Anagha, Gautam Das
Keywords :
Cervical disk herniation, Cervical radiculopathy, Magnetic resonance imaging spine
Citation Information :
Anagha M, Das G. Case Report of a Patient with Cervical Radiculopathy and a Deceptive Magnetic Resonance Imaging. J Recent Adv Pain 2019; 5 (2):67-69.
Introduction: Cervical disk herniation causes neck pain and arm pain due to direct impingement of nerve roots along with the associated inflammation. Clinical features generally correspond to the side of herniation. Case description: Our case report is about a 38-year-old female, schoolteacher by occupation presenting to hospital with neck pain radiating to right upper limb with tingling sensation along the C5 and C6 nerve root distribution. Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical spine showed posterolateral protrusion in C3–C4, C4–C5, C5–C6, disk compressing exiting nerve roots left more than right along with osteophytes causing canal stenosis.
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