Single Injection Combined Femoral Sciatic Nerve Block in Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgery in a High-risk Patient
Peeyush Shivhare, Amit Vyas, Arti Dalal
Citation Information :
Shivhare P, Vyas A, Dalal A. Single Injection Combined Femoral Sciatic Nerve Block in Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgery in a High-risk Patient. J Recent Adv Pain 2016; 2 (3):109-111.
Shivhare P, Chansoria M, Vyas A, Dalal A. Single Injection Combined Femoral Sciatic Nerve Block in Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgery in a High-risk Patient. J Recent Adv Pain 2016;2(3):109-111.
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