Coccydynia with Central Sensitization plays an Important Role as Pain Generator
Monika Dabgotra, Mousumi Datta
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Dabgotra M, Datta M. Coccydynia with Central Sensitization plays an Important Role as Pain Generator. J Recent Adv Pain 2016; 2 (2):62-64.
Reported is a case of “idiopathic coccydynia” with chronic pain which was refractory to conservative, medical, and interventional treatment. A diagnosis of central sensitization with coccydynia was made, and the patient responded very well to desensitization program with lignocaine and clonidine mixture. Central sensitization has proven its identity in fibromyalgia, chronic low back pain, and arthritis. But reports in coccydynia are lacking. This case report highlights the role and successful treatment of central sensitization in chronic “idiopathic coccydynia.”
How to cite this article
Malik S, Das G, Dabgotra M, Datta M. Coccydynia with Central Sensitization plays an Important Role as Pain Generator. J Recent Adv Pain 2016;2(2):62-64.
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