Journal on Recent Advances in Pain

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VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 1 ( May-August, 2015 ) > List of Articles


The Diagnostic Dilemma of a Genitofemoral-ilioinguinal Overlap Syndrome

Pravin Thomas

Citation Information : Thomas P. The Diagnostic Dilemma of a Genitofemoral-ilioinguinal Overlap Syndrome. J Recent Adv Pain 2015; 1 (1):28-30.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10046-0009

Published Online: 01-12-2017

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2015; The Author(s).



It is sometimes difficult to clinically delineate genitofemoral and ilioinguinal neuralgias because of the overlap in the clinical symptomatology.

Case description

A young male with a past history of transurethral removal of ureteral calculi presented with severe, debilitating neuropathic pain in the groin. He had hyperpathia and allodynia in the distribution of genitofemoral nerve, and hence a clinical diagnosis of genitofemoral neuralgia was made. An ultrasound guided diagnostic block of the genitofemoral nerve with local anesthetic produced only a mild reduction in pain (VAS 2 reduction). A repeat diagnostic block of the ilioinguinal nerve produced complete resolution of pain.

Literature search showed a limited number of case reports of ultrasound guided blocks for genitofemoral neuralgia; and overlap syndromes have been addressed with differential nerve blocks.

Clinical relevance

Our hypothesis is that an aberrant reinnervation from the ilioinguinal to genitofemoral nerve may present with features favoring a genitofemoral neuralgia. In situations where radiofrequency treatment is being considered, such cases may pose a failed intervention if both nerves are not separately targeted.

How to cite this article

Thomas P, Das G. The Diagnostic Dilemma of a Genitofemoral-ilioinguinal Overlap Syndrome. J Recent Adv Pain 2015;1(1):28-30.

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