VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2014 ) > List of Articles
Nayana Nemani, Laxmi Shenoy, Priyanka Kini, Nithin Mathews
Keywords : General anaesthesia, haemopneumothorax, positive pressure ventilation, trauma
Citation Information : Nemani N, Shenoy L, Kini P, Mathews N. Missed post-traumatic haemopneumothorax under general anaesthesia – A case report. Indian J Respir Care 2014; 3 (2):500-503.
DOI: 10.5005/ijrc-3-2-500
License: NA
Published Online: 30-11-2022
Copyright Statement: NA
Chest trauma is an important factor that determines the morbidity and mortality in patients admitted with polytrauma. Impeccable clinical examination and chest x-ray is a must in all trauma patients to rule out major chest injuries. We present a case of undiagnosed haemopneumothorax in a haemodynamically stable child without obvious symptoms or signs of chest trauma posted for emergency lower limb surgery after road traffic accident.