Citation Information :
Shevade M, Salvi S, Yeravdekar R. COVID-19 Pandemic and the Opportunities for Respiratory Therapy in India: A Narrative Review. Indian J Respir Care 2022; 11 (3):202-206.
COVID-19 pandemic has been a global health concern since the beginning of 2020. Many individuals suffered and lost their lives, making it a considerable burden on the healthcare systems in their countries. Healthcare professionals worked beyond their limits to cater to the needs of the patients, working against the constraints of a workforce shortage. Many doctors and other allied health professionals also lost their lives. Although the medical and allied health education suffered during the pandemic, it has also provided respiratory therapists (RTs) several opportunities to prove themselves. There was a huge demand for RTs, and they were able to help inpatient management and save lives. RTs were also able to contribute to the capacity building of their juniors and other healthcare professionals. Hands.on work and the use of blended learning strategies during the pandemic proved to be a boon for respiratory therapy education and training. Ongoing updates on innovation, research, and new knowledge generated by the international community enhanced the learning of RTs. RTs became a recognized workforce during the pandemic, and their demand grew substantially. Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic offered the RTs opportunities to grow and evolve. This narrative review highlights the opportunities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the evolution of RT in India.
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