K Sreejith, TR Sudhil, IN Krishnaprasad, P Sreedevi Menon
Citation Information :
Sreejith K, Sudhil T, Krishnaprasad I, Sreedevi Menon P. Richie Cannieu Anastomosis: A Case Report. Indian J Phy Med Rehab 2014; 25 (2):56-58.
To perform or interpret an electrodiagnostic study, one should have a thorough knowledge about the normal human anatomy. Along with that, one should keep in mind the possibility of various anastomoses which can occur between different nerves. Richie Cannieu anastomosis is an anomalous ulnar to median communication in the palm between the deep branch of the ulnar nerve and the recurrent branch of the median nerve. Such an anastomosis in a setting of median or ulnar nerve injury can produce confusing clinical and electrodiagnostic findings. Correct diagnosis is important especially before planning any surgical intervention. Here we report a case of Richie Cannieu anastomosis to highlight the importance of knowing about such anastomoses.