Association of Low Back Pain with Common Risk Factors: A Community Based Study
Mohammad Moin Uddin, Aminuddin A Khan, Ahsanul Hoque Chowdhury, Ranjan Kumar Guha
Citation Information :
Uddin MM, Khan AA, Chowdhury AH, Guha RK. Association of Low Back Pain with Common Risk Factors: A Community Based Study. Indian J Phy Med Rehab 2014; 25 (2):50-55.
Low back pain is very common in Asian communities. It is a major cause of activity limitation. Its risk factors were not studied well in Asian communities. This study was performed in the rural area to see the association of some common posture related and modifiable risk factors of low back pain.
This is a community based case-control study. Participants of both sexes between 30 and 60 years were selected who had low back pain. Data were collected with a semi-structured questionnaire and fifty-one participants were interviewed from which 32 had back pain (cases). Risk factor association was compared with age and ethnicity matched 19 patients without low back pain (control group).
The point prevalence of low backache was 63%. Mean age of the patients was 45.8 (±10.8 SD) years. Seventy per cent of the back pain patients were females and 30% were males. Back pain was significantly associated with the risk factor ‘bending and twisting movements of the body’ (OR= 4.6 with 95% CI= 1.1 to 18.9, p= 0.041). It was not found to be significantly associated with the other studied risk factors.
Low back pain had a very high prevalence in rural Bangladesh. Bending and twisting movements of spine was the only posture related significant risk factor of low back pain.
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