VOLUME 24 , ISSUE 4 ( December, 2013 ) > List of Articles
D R Tripathi, Amod Kumar, Mahesh Talele, Suryabhan Singh
Citation Information : Tripathi DR, Kumar A, Talele M, Singh S. A Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Approach for Writer's Cramp: A Case Study. Indian J Phy Med Rehab 2013; 24 (4):106-109.
DOI: 10.5005/ijopmr-24-4-106
Published Online: 01-12-2016
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2013; The Author(s).
A 61 year-old male was referred from neurology to PMR department RML hospital, New Delhi, with difficulty in writing for 2 years prior to consultation. Initially difficulty in writing which is accompanied with pain after prolonged writing. Also he noticed tremor and stiffness while writing. Disability progressed and he was unable to write even a few words legibly and cannot hold object (spoon) which leads to anxiety and dependency. When the patient was examined at PMR OPD, EMG/NCV study was advised, which showed normal sensory and motor nerve functions. The present treatment involved the use of a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach with Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Clinical psychologist and Occupational Therapist which gave us satisfactory results within 6- 8 months. The findings in this case is very encouraging and studies with large sample sizes can be considered for further conclusive evidence on the treatment of writer's cramp.