Eustachian tube connects nasopharynx with the tympanic cavity. The normal middle ear has an inherent tendency to lose gas to maintain the middle ear pressure by diffusion into the surrounding tissues and circulation.
Materials and methods
This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2012 to 2014. A total of 100 ears of 50 consecutive cases undergoing nasal surgery followed by bilateral nasal packing were included in the study and the middle ear pressure and hearing threshold were determined in all the subjects in presurgery, and then after 48 hours of surgery with nasal packing in situ and then at 7 and 30 days of nasal pack removal.
There is an increase in middle ear pressure transiently for few days while the nasal pack is in situ, which returns to normal in a month after pack removal; but, in chronic nasal obstruction cases, such as nasal polyps, there is persistent negative middle ear pressure, probably due to irreversible changes in the Eustachian tube function.
How to cite this article
Mohan C, Srivastava A, Shukla P. Effect of Nasal Packing on Middle Ear Pressure. Int J Adv Integ Med Sci 2016;1(2):52-56.